
Friday, January 22, 2016

NVidia driver on Sherbert 

It has been acting up again.  This time, I think (maybe?) I could resolve by adding the kernel parameter “enable_mtrr_cleanup” in GRUB.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Phase space download 

Could be very useful.  Generic phase space can be used instead of linac head model.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Monte Carlo Software 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Refactoring C++ 

I had some dead time at work between meetings, and I asked myself are there any productivity tools for C++ refactoring that I should look into?  The answer is maybe, but only one seems promising.


It is based on symantic-mode, included with emacs


Can’t wait to try it out!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Academic sites 

Sometimes I get spam from ResearchGate.  Unfortunately RG also looks very nice.  But the spam is unacceptable.

The below blog mentions some alternatives.


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Clementine group by album artist 

My favorite audio player on linux is Clementine. Mostly works flawlessly, but has a curious bug (feature??) that it doesn't respect album artist tags when the album has multiple tracks from different artists.  Don't ask me why.

Seems I always forget how to do this.  But this is a case of "you're holding it wrong."  What Clementine wants is for you to set the compilation tag.  If you do that, everything works great.


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